Eyes-Open Sex

Eyes-open sex is a pathway to deeper intimacy and connection with your partner. It involves looking into your partner's eyes and allowing them to truly see you, not just your physical body, but also your emotional and psychological self.

  • It is a powerful form of mind mapping. By gazing into your partner's eyes, you are inviting them to map your mind and understand your eroticism on a deeper level.

  • It pushes you to confront your fears of intimacy and vulnerability. You may experience discomfort, anxiety, and a heightened awareness of yourself as a separate individual. This can be especially challenging if you are accustomed to tuning out your partner during sex.

  • It can be incredibly intimate and erotic. When both partners are open to the experience, eyes-open sex can lead to a profound sense of connection and shared pleasure. It can make familiar sexual behaviors feel new and exciting.

  • It can be practiced in stages. If opening both eyes feels too intense, you can start with "peekaboo," where you open one eye at a time to gradually acclimate to the experience.

  • It can lead to eyes-open orgasm. This is the most intense form of eyes-open sex, where you reach orgasm while gazing into your partner's eyes. This requires a high level of self-acceptance and comfort with vulnerability, and may take time and practice to achieve.


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