Roseville Couples Counseling

James Christensen LMFT

Your relationship is under pressure:

You want communication, but you get conflict

You want connection, but you get distance

You want affection, but you get anger

Things can be so much better:

You can have lifelong love

You can feel heard and understood

You can have connection and communication

There is a way to:

Experience both freedom and connection in your relationship

Rebuild trust and feel safe again

Rekindle desire and restore friendship

Your free session will help you

Understand what it takes create a secure relationship

Communicate more effectively

Start learning how to fall in love again

Your First Session is Free
Click Here to Schedule

Pricing: $250 per session, first session is free, I don’t take insurance.

Roseville Marriage Therapist James Christensen

How it Started

We got married right before I started Air Force pilot training, and we welcomed our first son before I finished. We were both both passionate about creating a peaceful, loving home for our children to enjoy, but it didn’t work out that way.

Our relationship started to crumble under the pressure of we faced as a military family. We stopped communicating and caring for each other, and our friendship started to fade. Our dream of a happy family was under fire, but we weren’t ready to give up yet.

We spent years going from one marriage therapist to another, but nothing changed. We read books, went to retreats, and attended seminars, but we were frustrated at every turn. Eventually, we started talking about divorce.

After years of frustration, we found a marriage therapist trained by Dr. David Schnarch. Her no-nonsense “Crucible Therapy” approach a cold glass of water on a hot day. She immediately started helping us change our thoughts, feelings, and behavior. She was confident, compassionate, direct, and discerning. It was exactly what we needed.

I became a Crucible Therapist to help couples in that same kind, compassionate way. Restoring our own marriage is the valuable thing we have ever done.

I have helped hundreds of couples restore their relationships and revive their love. I hope you will come and see for yourself.

Your First Session is Free
Click Here to Schedule

Pricing: $250 per session, first session is free, I don’t take insurance.